Catching Up Again!
Hello Everyone!
We just had Moth Week, so I tried to take my usual bunch of moth photos, and then some! I'm a bit behind on uploads again, but this has more to do with taking a vacation than anything. Went to visit family on the shore, and of course made sure to take tons of pictures while I was there! Went to the beach a few times, and tried to get in as much sea life as I could capture. Was a little disappointed I didn't see any spider crabs, sea cucumbers, sea horses, or porcupine fish this year, but on the bright side, I did catch more than I expected! Wish I had had time to do even more, but alas I had to come back home, and back to work I go! Made some great memories, and hope everyone enjoys the observations! There are more to come, I just haven't gotten to them yet. Hopefully over the next couple of days!!!