Archivos de diario de octubre 2019

06 de octubre de 2019

Fall is Here!

Fall is here and our temperatures are steadily dropping! I'm still getting a few Leps here and there, but its getting to be that time of year. I changed job positions back in August, and getting used to it put a bit of a damper on my photo taking at the time, but I'm still trying to do daily walks out to the lights around the workplace when I can! (My new job gets me out to them early which is nice!)
I've been working with some of my local naturalists to expand our lepidoptera count, by going through my photos, and getting them identified. I started here on iNaturalist, but they've requested that I submit my findings over on BAMONA as well, so I've been working on it! I feel like I've added at least 7 or so species to our local list so far!
If anyone would be available to help on identifications, I still have quite a few 'unidentified' that could probably be confirmed by the right people, so if you have the knowledge, and wouldn't mind having a look, we would really appreciate it!

As my new photos slow down with the season, I am going to return to delving into my older photos as well.
Thanks everyone!

Publicado el octubre 6, 2019 08:34 MAÑANA por dreadhorn dreadhorn | 4 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de octubre de 2019

Have you seen me? Unidentified moth records!

As said before, I'm trying to get some of my records confirmed, so if anyone has a spare moment, I'm going to post some of my sightings that have potential to be upped to research grade if the right person looks at them. Feedback, and help is greatly appreciated! So far, from what has been accepted on BAMONA, I have increased my regional checklist from 703 species up to 710 species! I feel like that number still has a lot of potential to increase! Thank you!!!!

Publicado el octubre 7, 2019 12:20 TARDE por dreadhorn dreadhorn | 33 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario