City Nature Challenge 2020: The Strangest by far

I know it is has been a long while since I made a post to the old journal here but it is that time of year when the CNC is upon us once gain. However it will not be as big of a to do for a cloud has appeared in the form of the Coronavirus or covid-19. It will be a strange time not being around good friends and new neighbors during this time of exploration and adventure. For most of us it will be getting observations from home and maybe at a local park. It will be weird not getting to rub elbows with other naturalists and share in the wonder on a personal interactive level. For me I will miss doing the events this year. I will miss seeing my friends @sambiology @wildcarrot @kimberlietx @charley @annikaml @k8thegr8 @brentano @cindylcobb5 and all my other friends during the CNC. I am always thinking of you guys. It will be weird not sitting around a mothing station interacting with people face to face. It will be a weird time not to be able to interact with people on the trail. However even in this time we still need to do the challenge more than ever for there have been some interesting natural changes since the time for social distancing and the time for quarantine. Animals that are normally shy are being seen out in the open due to less foot traffic. So it is an interesting time to get out and explore nature now more than ever. I never thought of the fifth City Nature Challenge to be quite like this. I thought it would be a bigger to do and a large celebration. Still we can celebrate nature and connect with our friends even though we are apart. We are a science community that is always connected through social media and of course let us not forget our iNaturalist site. As we approach the City Nature Challenge this year lets us remember that documenting as much as we can is still a common goal we have.

Even though we they say we are not treating it as a contest it is a time to come together as one and help find and document all the animals to show that we are still making headway for wildlife even through these difficult times. Remember don't be reckless and go on half cocked. The dangers of Covid-19 are real and are out there. If you decide to go out to a local park like I am planning wear a mask to protect yourself and stay six feet apart from other hikers. It will not be the same this year as we have had it in the past. This will be one for the history books of the iNaturalist community. I am confident that we will all do our part and get as much as we can. Our A games may not be the same this year as they have in the past but that doesn't mean we need to not give our all. Still make those observations even if you have to pace your backyard. It is important that we continue to document wildlife for research and data collection. It has always been very important for our understanding of our natural world. we need to all do our part and continue the yearly tradition for naturalists everywhere.

I will be doing a lot of different things this year such as going out to parks and getting data that way but I will also be getting observations by doing mothing at my home with my new mothing rig. I will be birding and insect hunting. I will be going on like business as usual but of course doing the suggested safety stuff like wearing a mask and social distancing and what have you. I am will be doing some of the normal stuff like beat sheeting and sweep netting and all of that sort of jazz.

I have also ordered some new macro magnification lens adapters and a rain coat for my camera. I have a feeling that we might see some rain on the last couple of days during the CNC but that would be a good time to throw on a poncho and throw on the rain cover for the camera and wait out the storms and get some photos of wildlife after the rain. I have waited out some storms and have seen some pretty cool stuff come up after the rain. The rain draws out the bugs and the bugs bring the birds a classic look at the food chain but it shows how some feeding is triggered by a natural event.

Also I have a final project coming up for my Photography I class at TCC and I have decided to do my project based on the adventure of the City Nature Challenge as well as the magic of Earth Day and what is is like to be a naturalist. I am going to take photos of landscapes, and a couple of animals and then I will take a shot of me looking thoughtful in a kind of homage to the old Cowboy song "we'll rest at the end of the trail" By Tex Ritter. I am really interested in seeing how that composition will look once I complete that project. But yeah I have a few things with in the CNC that I am obligated to do for a grade. But the best part is I got to choose the project. So yeah I am going to be really busy with this year's CNC even though my A game may not be very good this year since I will not be able to get to some of the bigger places since I am playing the caution card right now. It is just very weird but I will be visiting a lot of my nearby parks and am going to try and get as much as I can.

As always a few friendly reminders you should take heed of. If you are catching anything of any kind please don't stress out the animals. This is more for the younger kids and people that maybe a little in experienced with wildlife handling. Remember animals are like humans and can get stressed out. Don't handle animals for long periods of time. Take you shots and then put the animals down so they can go about their happy lives. Also don't go off trail and make social trails that will disturb wildlife nesting grounds and hiding places. Also please be curious to everyone around you and practice safe distance. I know I am kind of over stressing that but it is vital. If you don't feel like you should risk it then stay home and do stuff in your yard or garden or even take a walk around the block if you want to get a work out and want to see what is around your area of living. Be mind full and don't do anything that can be of risk to you or any of the wildlife around you. It is vital to stay safe during this time. Don't try anything hazardous to physically or mentally.

Still have fun and enjoy nature Earth Day is today but why not use this time to celebrate Earth Weekend. The CNC is the best way to get out and discover something new. It is a wonderful time of year and one of the coolest times to make a connection with wildlife both big and small and the naturalists who study all things natural. You can still make friends and interact as long as you have this site. I trust that all of you will give it your all or as much of your all as possible. remember don't go to overcrowded areas and stay in places that don't have a lot of foot traffic. Get out with family members do not travel alone just in case something screwy goes on. I hope that all of you have a good run this year during the City Nature Challenge.

This is a very vital data collection time it is one of a few big data drop periods so we need all the help we can get. It will allow you and your folks (especially kiddos) for it will give them some instructional time and help enrich their minds and get them out of the house for a few hours even if it is in the front or backyards. It good for all of us to pitch in and help further our understanding of nature in these times of change and uncertainty. We need all the help we can get and it is one of the best ways to make a connection and find your place in nature. We are in this together more ways than one. We can still make a difference and make a change. So until my next entry I will see you on the trail.

Publicado el abril 22, 2020 07:06 MAÑANA por galactic_bug_man galactic_bug_man


Very good thoughts and advice there, Zach. I will miss you and all the other iNatters this CNC, but I will still try to observe as much as possible while staying away from people. Happy and safe iNatting to you and everyone else!

Publicado por annikaml hace más de 4 años

You to @annikaml

Publicado por galactic_bug_man hace más de 4 años

Well said! I've got no idea where I'm going to yet, but I want to go places I haven't been before. I'm going to miss my friends and all their extra "eyes" to see things I would have missed. I think it would be great for you to go live again! Have fun and know that we are all out there with you!!

Publicado por kimberlietx hace más de 4 años

Oh yeah I may do another mothing event where I do a chat. I think I might do that on Friday night. I think I will talk about Earth Day and the City Nature Challenge as a whole and I may go live some other times maybe to talk about birds in my backyard or something.

Publicado por galactic_bug_man hace más de 4 años

Just don't get disappointed if there aren't many people! We will all be out photographing like crazy! :D

Publicado por kimberlietx hace más de 4 años

Miss you too! It's going to be a strange year but perhaps next year we can all hang out again!

Publicado por k8thegr8 hace más de 4 años

You bet and there is still National Moth Week.

Publicado por galactic_bug_man hace más de 4 años

I miss you all and definitely miss our mothing events! Please stay safe and enjoy the CNC weekend, Zach! Find lots of spiders!

Publicado por wildcarrot hace más de 4 años

@wildcarrot I am way ahead of you. I have found a bunch around my house for you to gawk at.

Publicado por galactic_bug_man hace más de 4 años

Can't wait to see everyone's observations and counts on the leaderboards

Publicado por cindylcobb5 hace más de 4 años

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