7th Anacostia River Bioblitz

What a great weekend of community science and outdoor fun with the 7th #AnacostiaBioblitz! So far a record number of insect observations with 254 species of insects observed (so far). Take a look at it here: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/7th-anacostia-river-bioblitzThe final results will be announced next week. Did you participate in the bioblitz? What was your favorite observation?

Huge thanks to the top 10 observers and identifiers!


Anacostia Watershed Society

Publicado el septiembre 18, 2023 05:49 TARDE por jorbogmont jorbogmont


Great news on all the insect observations! Still more to upload!

Publicado por jmgconsult hace 10 meses

I could only get out for one morning- didn't know about the event till the last minute and had made other plans. Next year, more advance warning, please! Put me on any and all mailing lists- I love to participate :)

Publicado por mmmmbugs hace 10 meses

I still have a few observations to post! @anneanderson invited me to make observations in her bountiful yard :-D

Publicado por carrieseltzer hace 10 meses

So pleased to be able to participate! I had the opportunity after major construction to redo my garden and only included natives. With plenty of water flowing into my garden from surrounding terrain it is flourishing.

Publicado por anneanderson hace 10 meses

Thank you all!! Yes, this year the planning was not great (my fault!). I will do a better job next year! But it is great to see the participation going on. I was happy to be ahead of @jmgconsult for a little while ;) but very soon after she crushed me... haha!

Publicado por jorbogmont hace 10 meses

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