South section - 11/24/2023

Friday, 9:15-12:06 pm. 150 dead newts, no live ones
Weather: Nice, cold.
Coverage: from ABR intersection with Eldercroft Heights to the first stop sign. I walked with Rani and Kelly.
We documented 150 dead newts, all of them were pretty dry. It didn't rain in the last few days. At least 24 were tiny juveniles. About 71 newts were found on the hill side of the road.
Other roadkill: 2 snakes - a Garter Snake and a Striped Racer, a slender salamander, another large salamander, a few frogs, one toad, a spider, millipedes, Jerusalem crickets, beetles, caterpillars, a slug.
Traffic - 16 cars, 3 trucks, 4 motorcycles, 15 bikes, 0 pedestrians, 4 parked cars.
My observations of the day -

Publicado el noviembre 25, 2023 07:13 MAÑANA por merav merav


Thanks for sharing the details. It's sad to hear that you found 150 dead newts during your walk. It's good that you and your companions documented the details of the dead newts. It's also interesting to know about the other roadkill you found, including snakes, salamanders, frogs, toads, spiders, millipedes, Jerusalem crickets, beetles, caterpillars, and a slug. The traffic details you shared are also helpful. You can share the URL to your observations if you have any.

Publicado por gljcrsmith hace 11 meses

Hi, @gljcrsmith, thanks for your message. You can find all our observations in our umbrella project -
including each season's project, Juvenile newts, and other roadkills.

Publicado por merav hace 11 meses


Publicado por gljcrsmith hace 10 meses

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