There are roughly 800 moss species in British Columbia. In case anyone is interested in targeting some that have yet to be photographed in BC for the iNaturalist system, below you can find two lists.
The top list presents the 283 species known from herbarium collections but yet to have iNaturalist observations in the province.
The second list is a list of 54 species purportedly recorded for BC in iNaturalist but not present in herbarium records. I am annotating the latter with observation counts and taxonomic and range notes.
Both lists are based on 87,021 BC iNaturalist Moss records IDed to species compared against the BC conservation data center's list of mosses in the province, with names synonymized to a standard in GBIF. Errors are likely, but this should be a good first pass approximation of what is missing.
Family | Species |
Amblystegiaceae | Campylium bambergeri |
Amblystegiaceae | Campylium protensum |
Amblystegiaceae | Campylophyllopsis hispidula |
Amblystegiaceae | Conardia compacta |
Amblystegiaceae | Drepanium fastigiatum |
Amblystegiaceae | Drepanocladus angustifolius |
Amblystegiaceae | Drepanocladus turgescens |
Amblystegiaceae | Hygroamblystegium fluviatile |
Amblystegiaceae | Platyhypnum alpestre |
Amblystegiaceae | Platyhypnum alpinum |
Amblystegiaceae | Platyhypnum norvegicum |
Amblystegiaceae | Platyhypnum smithii |
Amblystegiaceae | Pseudocampylium radicale |
Amblystegiaceae | Tomentypnum falcifolium |
Andreaeaceae | Andreaea alpina |
Andreaeaceae | Andreaea heinemannii |
Andreaeaceae | Andreaea mutabilis |
Andreaeaceae | Andreaea schofieldiana |
Andreaeaceae | Andreaea sinuosa |
Andreaeobryaceae | Andreaeobryum macrosporum |
Aongstroemiaceae | Dichodontium olympicum |
Aulacomniaceae | Aulacomnium acuminatum |
Bartramiaceae | Philonotis marchica |
Bartramiaceae | Philonotis yezoana |
Brachytheciaceae | Brachytheciastrum leibergii |
Brachytheciaceae | Brachytheciastrum trachypodium |
Brachytheciaceae | Brachythecium campestre |
Brachytheciaceae | Brachythecium cirrosum |
Brachytheciaceae | Brachythecium erythrorrhizon |
Brachytheciaceae | Brachythecium hultenii |
Brachytheciaceae | Brachythecium rotaeanum |
Brachytheciaceae | Claopodium pellucinerve |
Brachytheciaceae | Homalothecium nevadense |
Brachytheciaceae | Sciuro-hypnum oedipodium |
Brachytheciaceae | Sciuro-hypnum populeum |
Brachytheciaceae | Scleropodium californicum |
Brachytheciaceae | Scleropodium julaceum |
Brachytheciaceae | Scleropodium occidentale |
Bruchiaceae | Trematodon montanus |
Bryaceae | Bryum blindii |
Bryaceae | Bryum lanatum |
Bryaceae | Bryum oblongum |
Bryaceae | Gemmabryum radiculosum |
Bryaceae | Gemmabryum ruderale |
Bryaceae | Gemmabryum tenuisetum |
Bryaceae | Haplodontium macrocarpum |
Bryaceae | Imbribryum gemmiparum |
Bryaceae | Plagiobryum demissum |
Bryaceae | Ptychostomum archangelicum |
Bryaceae | Ptychostomum arcticum |
Bryaceae | Ptychostomum bimum |
Bryaceae | Ptychostomum cernuum |
Bryaceae | Ptychostomum compactum |
Bryaceae | Ptychostomum cryophilum |
Bryaceae | Ptychostomum cyclophyllum |
Bryaceae | Ptychostomum inclinatum |
Bryaceae | Ptychostomum intermedium |
Bryaceae | Ptychostomum knowltonii |
Bryaceae | Ptychostomum lonchocaulon |
Bryaceae | Ptychostomum meesioides |
Bryaceae | Ptychostomum neodamense |
Bryaceae | Ptychostomum turbinatum |
Bryaceae | Rhodobryum roseum |
Bryaceae | Rosulabryum elegans |
Bryaceae | Rosulabryum sanguilentum |
Bryaceae | Rosulabryum torquescens |
Calliergonaceae | Loeskypnum wickesiae |
Calliergonaceae | Warnstorfia pseudostraminea |
Climaciaceae | Pleuroziopsis ruthenica |
Daltoniaceae | Daltonia splachnoides |
Dicranaceae | Dicranum fragilifolium |
Dicranaceae | Dicranum leioneuron |
Dicranaceae | Dicranum muehlenbeckii |
Dicranaceae | Dicranum spadiceum |
Dicranellaceae | Dicranella cerviculata |
Dicranellaceae | Dicranella crispa |
Dicranellaceae | Dicranella subulata |
Diphysciaceae | Diphyscium foliosum |
Disceliaceae | Discelium nudum |
Ditrichaceae | Pleuridium subulatum |
Ditrichaceae | Pseudephemerum nitidum |
Encalyptaceae | Encalypta brevicolla |
Encalyptaceae | Encalypta brevipes |
Encalyptaceae | Encalypta longicolla |
Encalyptaceae | Encalypta mutica |
Encalyptaceae | Encalypta spathulata |
Entodontaceae | Entodon concinnus |
Entodontaceae | Entodon schleicheri |
Fabroniaceae | Fabronia pusilla |
Fissidentaceae | Fissidens fontanus |
Fissidentaceae | Fissidens osmundoides |
Funariaceae | Entosthodon rubiginosus |
Funariaceae | Physcomitrium immersum |
Grimmiaceae | Bucklandiella lawtoniae |
Grimmiaceae | Bucklandiella obesa |
Grimmiaceae | Coscinodon cribrosus |
Grimmiaceae | Coscinodon yukonensis |
Grimmiaceae | Grimmia anomala |
Grimmiaceae | Grimmia arcuatifolia |
Grimmiaceae | Grimmia caespiticia |
Grimmiaceae | Grimmia crinitoleucophaea |
Grimmiaceae | Grimmia donniana |
Grimmiaceae | Grimmia elatior |
Grimmiaceae | Grimmia incurva |
Grimmiaceae | Grimmia mollis |
Grimmiaceae | Grimmia moxleyi |
Grimmiaceae | Grimmia muehlenbeckii |
Grimmiaceae | Grimmia sessitana |
Grimmiaceae | Grimmia unicolor |
Grimmiaceae | Niphotrichum pygmaeum |
Grimmiaceae | Schistidium agassizii |
Grimmiaceae | Schistidium confertum |
Grimmiaceae | Schistidium flaccidum |
Grimmiaceae | Schistidium pulchrum |
Grimmiaceae | Schistidium relictum |
Grimmiaceae | Schistidium robustum |
Grimmiaceae | Schistidium squarrosum |
Grimmiaceae | Schistidium strictum |
Grimmiaceae | Schistidium subjulaceum |
Grimmiaceae | Schistidium tenerum |
Grimmiaceae | Schistidium teretinerve |
Grimmiaceae | Schistidium trichodon |
Grimmiaceae | Schistidium venetum |
Helodiaceae | Helodium paludosum |
Hylocomiaceae | Hylocomiastrum pyrenaicum |
Hylocomiaceae | Hylocomiastrum umbratum |
Hypnaceae | Gollania turgens |
Jocheniaceae | Jochenia pallescens |
Leskeaceae | Haplocladium microphyllum |
Leucobryaceae | Campylopus schimperi |
Leucobryaceae | Campylopus sinensis |
Meesiaceae | Amblyodon dealbatus |
Meesiaceae | Meesia longiseta |
Micromitriaceae | Micromitrium tenerum |
Mniaceae | Cinclidium arcticum |
Mniaceae | Cinclidium latifolium |
Mniaceae | Cinclidium stygium |
Mniaceae | Cinclidium subrotundum |
Mniaceae | Cyrtomnium hymenophylloides |
Mniaceae | Cyrtomnium hymenophyllum |
Mniaceae | Mielichhoferia elongata |
Mniaceae | Mielichhoferia mielichhoferiana |
Mniaceae | Pohlia andalusica |
Mniaceae | Pohlia atropurpurea |
Mniaceae | Pohlia bolanderi |
Mniaceae | Pohlia camptotrachela |
Mniaceae | Pohlia cardotii |
Mniaceae | Pohlia columbica |
Mniaceae | Pohlia crudoides |
Mniaceae | Pohlia erecta |
Mniaceae | Pohlia filum |
Mniaceae | Pohlia lescuriana |
Mniaceae | Pohlia longicolla |
Mniaceae | Pohlia ludwigii |
Mniaceae | Pohlia melanodon |
Mniaceae | Pohlia obtusifolia |
Mniaceae | Pohlia vexans |
Mniaceae | Pseudobryum cinclidioides |
Mniaceae | Rhizomnium gracile |
Mniaceae | Rhizomnium pseudopunctatum |
Myriniaceae | Myrinia pulvinata |
Myuriaceae | Ctenidium schofieldii |
Orthotrichaceae | Lewinskya elegans |
Orthotrichaceae | Lewinskya pylaisii |
Orthotrichaceae | Orthotrichum alpestre |
Orthotrichaceae | Orthotrichum cucullatum |
Orthotrichaceae | Orthotrichum hallii |
Orthotrichaceae | Orthotrichum pallens |
Orthotrichaceae | Orthotrichum pumilum |
Orthotrichaceae | Orthotrichum rivulare |
Orthotrichaceae | Ulota barclayi |
Orthotrichaceae | Ulota curvifolia |
Orthotrichaceae | Ulota drummondii |
Orthotrichaceae | Zygodon gracilis |
Plagiotheciaceae | Herzogiella seligeri |
Plagiotheciaceae | Herzogiella turfacea |
Plagiotheciaceae | Isopterygiopsis catagonioides |
Plagiotheciaceae | Myurella tenerrima |
Plagiotheciaceae | Orthothecium intricatum |
Plagiotheciaceae | Orthothecium strictum |
Polytrichaceae | Atrichum flavisetum |
Polytrichaceae | Atrichum tenellum |
Polytrichaceae | Polytrichastrum sphaerothecium |
Polytrichaceae | Polytrichum perigoniale |
Pottiaceae | Acaulon muticum |
Pottiaceae | Acaulon triquetrum |
Pottiaceae | Aloina brevirostris |
Pottiaceae | Anoectangium sikkimense |
Pottiaceae | Anoectangium stracheyanum |
Pottiaceae | Bryoerythrophyllum columbianum |
Pottiaceae | Chionoloma recurvifolium |
Pottiaceae | Crossidium aberrans |
Pottiaceae | Didymodon maschalogena |
Pottiaceae | Didymodon nigrescens |
Pottiaceae | Didymodon subandreaeoides |
Pottiaceae | Geheebia gigantea |
Pottiaceae | Geheebia leskeoides |
Pottiaceae | Hennediella heimii |
Pottiaceae | Hilpertia velenovskyi |
Pottiaceae | Husnotiella asperifolia |
Pottiaceae | Husnotiella fragilicuspis |
Pottiaceae | Husnotiella johansenii |
Pottiaceae | Hydrogonium amplexifolium |
Pottiaceae | Hydrogonium gregarium |
Pottiaceae | Microbryum vlassovii |
Pottiaceae | Molendoa sendtneriana |
Pottiaceae | Pseudocrossidium obtusulum |
Pottiaceae | Pterygoneurum lamellatum |
Pottiaceae | Stegonia latifolia |
Pottiaceae | Syntrichia caninervis |
Pottiaceae | Syntrichia papillosissima |
Pottiaceae | Tortella arctica |
Pottiaceae | Tortella humilis |
Pottiaceae | Tortella inclinata |
Pottiaceae | Tortella nitida |
Pottiaceae | Tortella spitsbergensis |
Pottiaceae | Tortella tortuosa |
Pottiaceae | Tortula amplexa |
Pottiaceae | Tortula atrovirens |
Pottiaceae | Tortula cernua |
Pottiaceae | Tortula guepinii |
Pottiaceae | Tortula laureri |
Pottiaceae | Tortula mucronifolia |
Pottiaceae | Tortula nevadensis |
Pottiaceae | Tortula obtusifolia |
Pottiaceae | Tortula plinthobia |
Pottiaceae | Tortula protobryoides |
Pottiaceae | Tortula subulata |
Pottiaceae | Tortula systylia |
Pottiaceae | Trichostomopsis australasiae |
Pottiaceae | Vinealobryum eckeliae |
Pottiaceae | Vinealobryum nicholsonii |
Pottiaceae | Weissia brachycarpa |
Pseudoleskeaceae | Lescuraea saviana |
Pseudoleskeellaceae | Pseudoleskeella rupestris |
Ptychomitriaceae | Brachydontium olympicum |
Pylaisiaceae | Aquilonium plicatulum |
Pylaisiaceae | Pseudostereodon procerrimus |
Pylaisiaceae | Pylaisia intricata |
Pylaisiaceae | Roaldia dolomitica |
Pylaisiadelphaceae | Brotherella henonii |
Pylaisiadelphaceae | Hageniella micans |
Rhabdoweisiaceae | Arctoa fulvella |
Rhabdoweisiaceae | Cnestrum alpestre |
Rhabdoweisiaceae | Cnestrum glaucescens |
Rhabdoweisiaceae | Cnestrum schisti |
Rhabdoweisiaceae | Cynodontium polycarpon |
Rhabdoweisiaceae | Cynodontium strumulosum |
Rhabdoweisiaceae | Cynodontium tenellum |
Rhabdoweisiaceae | Oreas martiana |
Saelaniaceae | Saelania glaucescens |
Scorpidiaceae | Hamatocaulis lapponicus |
Scorpidiaceae | Hygrohypnella bestii |
Scorpidiaceae | Hygrohypnella polaris |
Scorpidiaceae | Sanionia symmetrica |
Scouleriaceae | Scouleria marginata |
Seligeriaceae | Blindiadelphus campylopodus |
Seligeriaceae | Blindiadelphus recurvatus |
Seligeriaceae | Blindiadelphus subimmersus |
Seligeriaceae | Seligeria careyana |
Seligeriaceae | Seligeria tristichoides |
Sphagnaceae | Sphagnum annulatum |
Sphagnaceae | Sphagnum aongstroemii |
Sphagnaceae | Sphagnum contortum |
Sphagnaceae | Sphagnum inexspectatum |
Sphagnaceae | Sphagnum junghuhnianum |
Sphagnaceae | Sphagnum orientale |
Sphagnaceae | Sphagnum wilfii |
Splachnaceae | Tayloria acuminata |
Splachnaceae | Tayloria froelichiana |
Splachnaceae | Tayloria hornschuchii |
Splachnaceae | Tayloria splachnoides |
Splachnaceae | Tetraplodon pallidus |
Splachnaceae | Tetraplodon urceolatus |
Stereodontaceae | Stereodon hamulosus |
Stereodontaceae | Stereodon holmenii |
Tetraphidaceae | Tetrodontium brownianum |
Tetraphidaceae | Tetrodontium repandum |
Thuidiaceae | Echinophyllum sachalinense |
Timmiaceae | Timmia bavarica |
Timmiaceae | Timmia norvegica |
Timmiaceae | Timmia sibirica |
# | family | species | Comment | |
1 | Amblystegiaceae | Hygroamblystegium tenax | New name, present in collections as Hygroamblystegium varium | |
2 | Amblystegiaceae | Hygrohypnum bestii | New name, present in collections as Hygrohypnella bestii | |
3 | Amblystegiaceae | Palustriella commutata | New name, present in collections as Palustriella falcata | |
4 | Anomodontaceae | Anomodon viticulosus | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
5 | Aongstroemiaceae | Dichodontium flavescens | Old synonym of Dichodontium pellucidum in N. Am. | |
6 | Bartramiaceae | Bartramia stricta | now treated as Bartramia aprica in W. N. Am. | |
7 | Bartramiaceae | Philonotis caespitosa | Treated as P. fontana in BC | |
8 | Brachytheciaceae | Bryoandersonia illecebra | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
9 | Brachytheciaceae | Eurhynchium angustirete | Old world species, iNat system issue with computer vision and geographic model | |
10 | Brachytheciaceae | Eurhynchium striatum | Old world species, iNat system issue with computer vision and geographic model | |
11 | Brachytheciaceae | Homalothecium lutescens | Old world species, iNat system issue with computer vision and geographic model | |
12 | Brachytheciaceae | Homalothecium sericeum | Old world and Eastern NA species, iNat system issue with computer vision and geographic model | |
13 | Brachytheciaceae | Rhynchostegium confertum | Old world species, iNat system issue with computer vision and geographic model | |
14 | Brachytheciaceae | Sciuro-hypnum curtum | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
15 | Brachytheciaceae | Sciuro-hypnum starkei | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
16 | Bryaceae | Gemmabryum apiculatum | E, SE N. Am species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
17 | Bryaceae | Gemmabryum radiculosum | Possibly legitimate | |
18 | Callicladiaceae | Callicladium haldanianum | Spelling mistake in iNat system. = Callicladium haldaneanum | |
19 | Callicladiaceae | Callicladium imponens | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
20 | Climaciaceae | Climacium americanum | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
21 | Dicranaceae | Dicranum fulvum | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
22 | Ditrichaceae | Ditrichum zonatum | Now treated as Ditrichum heteromallum | |
23 | Entodontaceae | Entodon cladorrhizans | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
24 | Entodontaceae | Entodon seductrix | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
25 | Fissidentaceae | Fissidens obtusifolius | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
26 | Fissidentaceae | Fissidens osmundioides | Disagreements between systems over spelling osmundoides or osmundioides | |
27 | Fissidentaceae | Fissidens pusillus | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
28 | Fissidentaceae | Fissidens taxifolius | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
29 | Fontinalaceae | Fontinalis novae-angliae | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
30 | Grimmiaceae | Codriophorus aquaticus | No herbarium records in N.AM, iNat record needs clarifying and more detail) | |
31 | Grimmiaceae | Grimmia reflexidens | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
32 | Lembophyllaceae | Isothecium alopecuroides | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
33 | Lembophyllaceae | Pseudisothecium myosuroides | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
34 | Leucobryaceae | Leucobryum glaucum | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
35 | Leucodontaceae | Leucodon sciuroides | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
36 | Mniaceae | Epipterygium tozeri | BC Taxa of Epipterygium now E. biataurum | |
37 | Mniaceae | Mnium hornum | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
38 | Mniaceae | Pohlia sphagnicola | Variably treated as subspecies of Pohlia nutans | |
39 | Neckeraceae | Pseudanomodon attenuatus | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
40 | Neckeraceae | Thamnobryum alopecurum | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
41 | Orthotrichaceae | Pulvigera lyellii | Species of California and Old World, no clear records in BC | |
42 | Orthotrichaceae | Zygodon viridissimus | Records are likely Zygodon rupestris | |
43 | Plagiotheciaceae | Isopterygiopsis muelleriana | Accepted name, herbarium records for BC, not sure why absent from BC Moss List | |
44 | Plagiotheciaceae | Orthothecium rufescens | one herbarium record for BC, some coastal iNat records. | |
45 | Polytrichaceae | Atrichum angustatum | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
46 | Pottiaceae | Triquetrella papillata | Southern Hemisphere species, issue with iNAT computer Vision and geographic model | |
47 | Sphagnaceae | Sphagnum fallax | Lots of herbarium records in BC but BC not in range with FNA treatment. Perhaps fallax records = S. pacificum? | |
48 | Sphagnaceae | Sphagnum imbricatum | Lots of Herbarium Records in BC-- perhaps issue with Sphagnum austinii? As reported only from Alaska in FNA | |
49 | Sphagnaceae | Sphagnum inundatum | 2 anomalous herbarium records and mention of presence in BC in FNA. | |
50 | Sphagnaceae | Sphagnum jensenii | Scant and uncertain herbarium records, presence mentioned in FNA | |
51 | Sphagnaceae | Sphagnum obtusum | Arctic-ish species with no herbarium records in province, but many nearby. 1 iNat record. | |
52 | Sphagnaceae | Sphagnum subfulvum | Vitt records inland from central coast. Species sunonymized with Sphagnum nitidum. Neither are on BC list. | |
53 | Takakiaceae | Takakia ceratophylla | Central Asian Species. MisID? | |
54 | Thuidiaceae | Thuidium tamariscinum | Eastern NA species, iNAT system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model | |
Sum |
@dbltucker @cwardrop @terrymcintosh @fmcghee @chrisfluit @astorey_botany @bstarzomski @bradenjudson @johndreynolds @chlorophilia @jamie_fenneman @jbindernagel @deciduousdaydream @kem_luther was cross referencing things to see what species in BC had not yet had photo observations in BC in the iNAT system and came up with this 1st list. The second list is a melange of glitchy autoID taxa, nebulous taxonomy and genuine things that may be plausible for the BC list. Comments welcome and please forward along to anyone who I have forgotten who might be interested in photographing the list of species near the top.
Randal this is great! Can you explain what exactly is meant by "iNat system issue with Computer Vision and Geographic Model", please?
@johndreynolds these are mostly well established species that clearly do not occur in BC but are being IDed by users using the computer vision suggestions from iNAT. If the suggestions were restricted by geographic occurence (within reason!), the computer vision model would never suggest them for BC. I don't know the mechanics of doing such a thing, but maybe @kueda might have some insight on this.
also cc @earley_bird if he has a better understanding on how to delimit autosuggestions by geography.
And cc-ing @bcollis @brittney_the_botanist @ryan_durand @tyson_ehlers @andyfyon @shanebustapbj as people who seem to get to higher altitudes and eastern and northern climes with some frequency-- if you are about 2000m or in the northern boreal or alpine tundra zones, there are lots of mosses waiting to meet you.
This is probably of interest to @ptilidium who is often on his belly with a macro kit in the alpine.
Automated suggestions on iNat are restricted by geographic occurrence within reason, where "restricted by geographic occurrence" means our statistical model of where taxa occur (the geomodel) thinks the taxon should occur nearby. You can learn about the geomodel at
Sometimes spatial predictions are going to be wrong if there are a bunch of misidentified observations, and the way to correct them is to add better identifications to those observations. You all seem to be doing a reasonable job of that in BC.
Another thing to keep in mind is that we are always changing the way automated suggestions work, e.g. by regularly updating the models, and sometimes making big changes to the overall system, like introducing the geomodel in Fall of last year. So when you look at an obs like and see that the Palustriella commutata ID was added from automated suggestions, that was using a different vision model and using a different definition of "nearby" that wasn't statistical like it is now. If I look at the current automated suggestions for that observation, I don't see Palustriella commutata in the list.
Your best one yet! Lots to look for.
Thanks @kueda for the clarifying comments. Some of these east coast IDs might date back to older iterations of the ID system. @johndreynolds see above.
@bradenjudson I should try and annotate this list of mosses not in iNAT BC observations with region and habitat, but that could be a while off.
@earley_bird thanks for remembering the keystone alpine bryophyte observer
This is fabulous @rambryum- thanks! Some summer targets :) And thanks to @kueda for the clarifications around the CV!
@rambryum Thanks for making this list. I have found several species in your first list (at least 6 from a first pass of the list, possibly more) but I have not created iNat observations for them. This is something I can work on later in the spring. I don't always have field photos, and a lot of species just get identified in 'grab bag' samples with others when I'm back at home with a microscope.
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