Texas and Saudia Arabia! Zoom presentation on August 19, 6:30 PM central time

On Monday, August 19th at 6:30 PM (Central Standard Time), I'll be doing a presentation to the Cross Timbers Master Naturalists on my recent trip to Saudi Arabia! On this presentation, I'll be talking about learning your local flora and fauna and how that amplifies your visit to other places. We'll talk a lot about convergent evolution -- how some things that aren't even closely related may look similar in various places based on that specific niche.

If you're able to, please join us online! :) Anyone and everyone can attend!

If you do plan on joining, I do have one question:
What is one country that you'd love to visit (as a naturalist) that you've not been to before??? :)

Publicado el agosto 5, 2024 09:52 TARDE por sambiology sambiology


Would love to go to so many, but Malaysia seems to be wonderful for moths...and I'm sure other insects as well!

Publicado por karen762 hace alrededor de 1 mes

Right now, it is Mexico. I follow Carlos Velazco-Macias, aka aztekium (and have followed him since my early iNat days) and his recent iNat observations are phenomenal.

Publicado por connlindajo hace alrededor de 1 mes

I hope I can attend!! Sounds interesting. Australia is high on my list, as well as the Galapagos.

Publicado por txstack hace alrededor de 1 mes

I'd love to visit Madagascar <3 such unique natural history!

Publicado por wendelia hace alrededor de 1 mes

I signed up for the next 5 meetings! I haven't been anywhere outside of the US yet. I guess Costa Rica would be cool.

Publicado por gayle22864 hace alrededor de 1 mes


Publicado por erinmckool hace alrededor de 1 mes

Just registered, @sambiology!

Publicado por kathrynwells333 hace alrededor de 1 mes

Looking forward to it, Sam - and you'll be presenting on the night of the full sturgeon moon!

I'm gonna go off the beaten path and say it would make me really happy to explore the various eco-regions in Texas! Our state has amazing biodiversity and I've only seen a sliver of it with my naturalist eyes. Plus this way I won't accidentally get stuck in customs over a handful of grass florets or something ;-)

Publicado por scarletskylight hace alrededor de 1 mes

Sam, if I revisit places I have lived BEFORE there was iNaturalist, I'd include the Cayman Islands and Germany. Did you know there is a stand of California redwood trees when you venture on the 20km hiking trail by the Heidelberg Castle? But if we limit it to places I HAVE NOT been, I would say Indian Key State Historic Site and Lignum Vitae Key Botanical State Park in Florida.

Publicado por valt hace alrededor de 1 mes

Sam - I have been lucky enough to visit a few countries since I joined iNat four years ago. I will say that it definitely enhanced my appreciation of the places visited, PLUS I got great observations of creatures I would never see in Texas! Picking two places I have yet to visit that I think the nature would be fabulous, I'll got with Kenya as my first choice and Australia as a close second!

Publicado por jim668 hace alrededor de 1 mes

Thanks for the feedback on places to visit!!! Tonight I'll be talking about exploring these places on iNat too. :)

Publicado por sambiology hace alrededor de 1 mes

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