Archivos de diario de diciembre 2012

13 de diciembre de 2012

End of Year Challenge!

I'm sure most of you have noticed the counter at the top of the H.O.T. page indicating how many Texas herp taxa we have observations for and have likely wondered what taxa are missing. Well, we (the inaturalist developers, actually) finally fixed the bug that was not counting subspecies properly. The official count for Herps of Texas is now 206 out of 228. There are only 22 species not yet represented by observations in H.O.T. Some will be easy to tick off (Smilisca, Leptodactylus) and some will be exceedingly difficult (Eurycea robusta, Liochlorophis vernalis, and Tantilla atriceps). I would like to see nearly all 228 taxa represented by the end of the year. So, are you up to the challenge?

Here's the list:

Publicado el diciembre 13, 2012 07:03 TARDE por andygluesenkamp andygluesenkamp | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario