Archivos de diario de junio 2015

09 de junio de 2015

Snake Days Leaderboard

The Snake Days Leaderboard went live on June 5th, and we already have 22 species. Any observation of a reptile or amphibian made in West Texas between June 5th and the 21st counts. Find the most species and win a cool prize!

Publicado el junio 9, 2015 04:48 TARDE por cullen cullen | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

17 de junio de 2015

HoTX Welcomes Two New Curators

Herps of Texas is proud to announce the addition of two new curators, Chris Harrison (sandboa) and Gerry Salmon (gtsalmon). We desperately needed these expert herpetologists now that we are receiving over 1,000 observations per month (and on our way to 2,000 for the second month in a row).

Profiles of all of our curators can be found here:

The primary role of project curators is to provide expert confirmation of identifications. This is extremely important for the inclusion of HoTX observations in data products used by TPWD (TXNDD, Wildlife Diversity, and Habitat Assessment programs, among others) as well as academic researchers, resource managers, conservation entities, and the public. Project curators validate observations based on evidence associated with the voucher (photo, audio recording, date, time, and location) and serve as ambassadors to the naturalist community. Welcome aboard, gentlemen!

Publicado el junio 17, 2015 02:06 MAÑANA por andygluesenkamp andygluesenkamp | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario