Diario del proyecto Hong Kong Jellyfish Project

Archivos de diario de junio 2021

28 de junio de 2021

River Jellyfish have come out! 河水母出來了!

From website reports, Acromitus flagellatus (River Jellyfish) is increasingly being spotted in different spots around the New Territories this month. This species can be found around the Indo-West Pacific and as the common name suggests, is often considered to be found around mangroves and in brackish waters near estuaries.
從網站收到的報告顯示,本月在新界不同區域可見越來越多Acromitus flagellates(通稱「河水母」)。這個品種主要在印度洋—西太平洋區出沒,也有人認為牠們常出沒於河口灣鹹淡水混雜區域的紅樹林間,因此得其通用名「河水母」。

Rhopilema hispidum has not been reported recently nor seen in beach surveys, while large-sized Cyanea nozakii remain prevalent in Hong Kong waters.
另一方面,我們沒有收到目擊Rhopilema hispidum的報告,也沒有在沙灘調查時看到牠們;而大型Cyanea nozakii則仍然常見於香港水域中。

As more and more people spend time in the water this summer, keep an eye out for jellyfish and let us know what you see!

Publicado el junio 28, 2021 03:50 MAÑANA por johnt77 johnt77 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario