Archivos de diario de mayo 2017

05 de mayo de 2017

Easy iNaturalist view of the host plants of psyllids native to mediterranean California

An iNaturalist observation-based view of all of the expected host plants of psyllids recorded from Mediterranean California*:,53452,58319,64121...

The default search area for this map is "California", but this can be altered in order to visualize potential host plants in more specific regions.

*Mediterranean California refers to the EPA designated ecoregion (11.1.1) consisting of both the Southern California coast (including the Channel Islands) as well as Central California foothills and coastal mountains, the boundaries of which are illustrated by the following map:

Note that in addition to the plants included here, other species of Ceanothus, Ribes, or Arctostaphylos, including rare or localized species, may also serve as potential psyllid hosts.

Publicado el mayo 5, 2017 11:57 TARDE por psyllidhipster psyllidhipster | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

28 de mayo de 2017

Favorite places in Los Angeles/Orange counties (CA) for high insect/plant diversity?

I figure that many people who have a chance at seeing this post may live around here (or at least be familiar with the area), so I was curious as to what some of your favorite local spots are for wildlife diversity. I don't need the best hike in the world, I don't need spectacular views, I just need lots of bugs :)

Spots with high numbers of potential psyllid host plants, like Cercocarpus, Ceanothus, or Arctostaphylos, are a bonus, of course.

Publicado el mayo 28, 2017 07:37 TARDE por psyllidhipster psyllidhipster | 5 comentarios | Deja un comentario