Archivos de diario de abril 2018

20 de abril de 2018

Blacklighting beginner questions

Over the past few years I've joined quite a few people in blacklighting for nocturnal bugs. I've seen quite a few different setups and have seen the pros and cons of each, and as Arizona begins to get hotter and more buggy I can't help but think that blacklighting is something that I'd like to get into myself, without having to rely on anybody else (furthermore, I don't actually know anyone else out here that is doing it). However, while getting a blacklight from bioquip is easy enough, I am still a bit in the dark on some of the specifics, so I was hoping to get some help there.

Power source
What is the best way to power my blacklight? What, specifically, does everyone else use? What is the lifespan of these batteries for this use, and can they be recharged and if so, how, and for how much? Where is the best place to obtain said batteries?

Where do I blacklight? Where can I blacklight? Where should I blacklight? Where shouldn't I blacklight? Are there are laws I should be aware of, specifically in the state of Arizona? For setup, I think I am most drawn to @finatic , @jaykeller , and @gcwarbler 's model of securing the sheet directly on the side of the car to avoid the wind factor as opposed to using a collapsible frame, so any location I choose to set up at would have to be a place where I can directly park. but just parking on the side of a remote highway is probably less desirable than parking somewhere a bit more secluded? But again, I would love to learn the tricks of the trade here. Are there certain rules and regulations to follow when blacklighting at say a state park? Would I need to call ahead to make sure that the activity is allowed in a particular spot? I live in an apartment complex so blacklighting at home is not a viable option.

Here's the part where I'm going to obnoxiously tag in everybody I can think of on iNaturalist with their own portable blacklighting setup
@finatic @jaykeller @gcwarbler @bugsoundsjc @naturalista66 @berkshirenaturalist @cedric_lee @kimberlietx @sambiology
Any advice would be appreciated ! :)

Publicado el abril 20, 2018 07:09 TARDE por psyllidhipster psyllidhipster | 19 comentarios | Deja un comentario