Archivos de diario de mayo 2019

19 de mayo de 2019

New iNat Guide to the lanternfly genus Pyrops

Using iNat's Guides interface, I created what will hopefully be considered to be a useful guide to the genus Pyrops, and what I plan to be the first of many hopper-based guides. Click through to check it out:

Asian Lanternflies of the genus Pyrops


  • Covers all 68 species in the genus
  • Maps for all species
  • Easily sort species by distribution patterns
  • Sort species by Species Group, including a brief synopsis of each group (see diagram below)
  • Easily check which species are illustrated in which publications
  • Easily check which publications are most useful for which regions
  • An annotated bibliography of references, including links to PDFs when available
  • Coming soon:

  • Sort species by forewing pattern, hindwing color, and cephalic process shape/color
  • Pictures for more species not yet on iNat
  • Goals

  • Facilitate easy identification of species by sorting a large genus into more manageable groups
  • Identify gaps in iNaturalist's coverage of species (for example, the genus is very diverse in the Philippines but there are currently no observations there)

  • Fig. 1: Pyrops species groups head detail
    © Arnold Wijker, Gonam, Carmelo López Abad, and Sterling Sheehy, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)

    Publicado el mayo 19, 2019 03:12 TARDE por psyllidhipster psyllidhipster | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario