Mothing in July! Events in/around DFW.

I love July mothing. Sure, it's crazy hot and dry usually, but the bugs (of all kinds!) sure do show up at the lights! We've got a few events to celebrate national moth week too (

Here are the black-lighting/mothing events that I know of in/around the Dallas/Fort Worth area in July. If you know of others, let me know!

All of these are from 8 to late -- I'll usually come an hour or so before to set up.

July 1 - Cedar Hill State Park ($7 park access fee)

July 23 - Spring Creek Preserve in Garland (if you're able to carpool, great -- expect a crowd here!)

July 25 - River Legacy Park in Arlington

July 29 - John Bunker Sands in Seagoville ($10 fee, or free if you bring some mothing gear!!!)

July 30 - Acton Nature Center, east of Granbury

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know! And, feel free to toss me a text: 214 215 5605

Publicado el junio 28, 2022 03:24 TARDE por sambiology sambiology


Zachary Here, I will be able to make a few of these. River Legacy is on my radar. I would love to come out to John Bunker Sands. Maybe Cedar Hill State Park.
Question: Will there be electricity at Sands? I have a moth light and extension cord I would like to bring. Also my aunt will be bringing me up there so will it cost 10$ for her? Just want to make sure I work out all the bugs.
Those maybe the only three I can come too. I have a few other things on the table but heck I have never been mothing at these places so that will be cool. I may try Acton Nature Center but I will have to see.

Publicado por galactic_bug_man hace alrededor de 2 años

I'd love to help with more of these summer events, but unfortunately doesn't look like any in July will work with my schedule either! Here's looking forward to August! 😃

Publicado por observerjosh hace alrededor de 2 años

Thanks for the info, Sam! Will make it to the the three first ones. Then I'm heading to Sweden, so the rest of the Moth Week mothing will take place there.

Publicado por annikaml hace alrededor de 2 años
Publicado por brentano hace alrededor de 2 años

I see you snuck one in for this week. I'll be at all but the Monday one most likely =D

Publicado por k8thegr8 hace alrededor de 2 años

July 1 is out because Inwork that night. Will check my schedule for the other dates.

Publicado por lulubelle hace alrededor de 2 años

I am in for July 1st and 25th. My dog's class ends at 8:30pm on Friday in Duncanville so Cedar Hill is on the way home. I'll be a little late but there!!

Publicado por madisong hace alrededor de 2 años

Where are we meeting for the Cedar Hill State Park mothing?

Publicado por annikaml hace alrededor de 2 años

Awesome!!! Thanks for the comments on the post.

So, for the Cedar Hill State Park one, I'm not even quite sure where we'll meet -- I think it'll be by Penn Farm, or at least in that area. They'll know at the front office.

@galactic_bug_man , so there is electricity at John Bunker Sands! So, please do bring your supplies, and you and your Aunt will get in free!

Really hoping to see ya'll when I see ya'll -- if not for these mothing events, then for something in the future soonish!

Publicado por sambiology hace alrededor de 2 años

Looks fun, I'll try to make it to River legacy since it's super close to me!

Publicado por chandlerdavis hace alrededor de 2 años

The Facebook post for the event at JBS says if you "register" a moth station it's free. How do we register a moth station? Have to call them? Or just telling you we're coming good enough? Either way I'll be there and at Acton. With a probably for River Legacy. Not sure about Garland.
And as of right now I'm planning to come to Cedar Hill.

Publicado por brentano hace alrededor de 2 años

Greetings from John Bunker Sands Wetland Center! I can answer all the Moth Night questions! Yes-we will have electricity for those that set up a mothing station near the center. We've got quite a few extension cords but please bring extension cords if you've got them! If you want to set up on the boardwalk over the water, you'll have to bring battery operated equipment but it is soooo worth it! The fee is $10/person, but the fee is waived if you bring a mothing station and reserve a spot! Reserve a spot by calling me at 972-474-9100 or email me at I really prefer calling and reserving a spot-helps me to put those that need electricity closer to the center and also helps me to promote our amazing event with how many mothing stations guests can expect to see! This event is also approved for AT with several Texas Master Naturalist chapters and VH is also approved if you have a mothing station.

Publicado por carol308 hace alrededor de 2 años

Anyone know what that Master Naturalist AT category is for this? I'll have to suggest it to my chapter.

Publicado por bosqueaaron hace alrededor de 2 años

@sambiology got another question; I am not sure how many power outlets we will have out at River Legacy, but will there be electricity there too?

Just to let you know in the last week or so we have seen two Hardwood Stump Borers out there. Both were dead but maybe we can get a live image. I am hoping we will be able to get some good stuff at all the places we go for the mothing. However, with the dry weather and all the heat and what not things will be rather interesting. I am hoping that we will be able to find some good stuff regardless of the conditions. With it being like 2011 almost it will be interesting to see what all we see. I have never done anything like this in a drought so it will be cool to see all the trends and what not. I already know that this is one of my lowest observation summers on record for it has been so hot. I have been doing more things indoors like reading and research when I am not doing camps and what not.

I am rather interested in what goes on the three nights I will be joining you folks. Here at the house, I am not seeing very many species of insects. I have seen a few off and on. I have seen some rather interesting things, however, not as they have been during the wet season. So we shall see. I will have to keep close attention to the number and the results. I am just hoping for a good run. I am not sure how you guys have seen it for you guys have mothed longer than I have. I am curious to know if we will get more other types of insects and less of the moths. That is something that I am thinking. I mean we don't always get a ton of moths, but we do get a lot. However, what I am getting at is I wonder if the number of actual moths that come up will be considerably lower than in years past with the wet seasons. I don't know but this is a question that has been eating me a bit. I am just rather curious to put this to the test and see what happens. Kind of making my own thoughts and notes and then seeing what comes up. Sometimes you just have to do some hypothesizing from time to time in these situations.

Publicado por galactic_bug_man hace alrededor de 2 años

Just south of y'all, I've definitely seen fewer moths this year, but it's been made up for by extra beetles. Especially hardwood stump borers and female Aloeus ox beetles, along with tons of cerambycids I've never seen before.

Publicado por bosqueaaron hace alrededor de 2 años

@bosqueaaron The North Texas chapter has two of these on our AT calendar. The Spring Creek mothing event is listed as Texas Parks and Wildlife Offered Training. The John Bunker Sands mothing event is listed as Other Pre-Approved Training.

Publicado por laurahaynes hace alrededor de 2 años

I might be able to make the River Legacy Park event. Is there any additional information available?

Publicado por karen762 hace alrededor de 2 años

Hey all! Here are the details of Arlington's mothing event:

I put links to each of the events on the above journal post.

To be honest, I'm not sure which places will have electricity... I'm bringing all of my battery powered lights, but I'll also have my mercury vapor just in case there is electricity. :)

And yeah, it will be interesting to see how many bugs show up this year. There may not be a ton of moths, but who knows?!? :)

Publicado por sambiology hace alrededor de 2 años

Hey Sam! I am really excited, I will be at Garland, River Legacy and granbury. Looking forward to it.

Publicado por sam_dragon-moore hace alrededor de 2 años

I don’t always travel for work, but when I do, there’s almost always an iNaturalist event happening while I’m away. 😔

Publicado por observerjosh hace alrededor de 2 años

@wildcarrot tagging you to see the journal post again that we talked about.

Publicado por brentano hace alrededor de 2 años

Looking forward to seeing y'all again at the Acton Nature Center on Saturday night, July 30th!

Publicado por valt hace alrededor de 2 años


I just tested positive for COVID. Dang it. My moth week is ruined!!! I'm fine -- a little scratchy throat, but no bad symptoms.

Oh well -- if you're coming to some of these events, please do bring some gear and make up some moth jokes in my honor.

Publicado por sambiology hace alrededor de 2 años

nooo! Get well soon!

Publicado por madisong hace alrededor de 2 años

That sucks, hopefully it doesn't get much worse. Was looking forward to meeting you in person!

Publicado por stephtran hace alrededor de 2 años

We're still hosting our Moth Night event at the John Bunker Sands Wetland Center this upcoming Friday 8pm-11pm. The event is $10/person but the event is FREE if you set up a mothing station! We have lots of mothing stations that will be set up, and the rain chances are pretty low! We'll have to take some videos and share them with Sam. Here's the link for online registration
Walk-ins are also more than welcome! Please email me at if you want to reserve a mothing station spot; I just need to know if your station will need electricity or if battery powered.

Publicado por carol308 hace alrededor de 2 años

Nooooooooo Sam! Feel better soon.

Publicado por k8thegr8 hace alrededor de 2 años

That's too bad to hear Sam, I hope you feel better soon!

Publicado por chandlerdavis hace alrededor de 2 años

Hope you get better soon!

Publicado por bosqueaaron hace alrededor de 2 años

What a bummer, Sam! Get well soon!

Publicado por karen762 hace alrededor de 2 años

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