Archivos de diario de junio 2018

08 de junio de 2018

Mothing in DFW for National Moth Week (July 21 - 29) -- mark your calendars!

So, National Moth Week is a pretty fun time. It's a time where we can really focus on the nocturnal critters that come to lights! DFW has quite a few moth species documented so far too:,47654

We've got quite a few meet-ups planned for the DFW metroplex (well, in the proximity of DFW)... Hopefully you can come to some of these! All of these will start at around dusk (8:30ish) and end whenever they end -- usually like midnight or a bit before.

Saturday, July 21 - Acton Nature Center ( This is a public event, and the natural area is pretty nice. Not too much light pollution here, so I predict it will be some great mothing!

Wednesday, July 25 - Parr Park in Grapevine ( Another public event, and Parr Park has some really interesting plants, so I'm thinking there will be some nice moths.

Friday, July 27 - Palo Pinto Mountains State Park (FM2372, Strawn, TX 76475). This is a private event, and I've got special permission to get onto the area. I'm limited to only like 20 or so folks that can come to this, so PLEASE let me know if you want to come. Some of us are getting here earlier this day to explore some of the park too. There's like NO light pollution here, so it should be really interesting to see what comes to the lights at night. Also, a few of us are going to stay the night here -- either camping or nearby hotels.

*Saturday, July 28 - Heard Museum McKinney ( A wonderful spot with lots of diversity of plants, so again, I foresee some nice mothing. Notice: this is a fund raising event, so tickets will need to be purchased! Details in comments below...

Be sure to comment if you plan on coming to some/any of these! I'm planning on going to all of these. Also, if you know of others in the DFW/North Central TX area, let us know! :)

Publicado el junio 8, 2018 07:58 TARDE por sambiology sambiology | 35 comentarios | Deja un comentario